Bio 2024

“The Bunn”. It's a nickname for a dude known to friends and family as Scott Sokoloski. He is a 50+, full-stack music artist, who makes music from the neglected shards of hardcore, sludge, doom, stoner and grind.

Sokoloski lives life through a neurodivergent lens, and has built the entirety of the Bunn empire with hands guided by congenital mirror movement. The world that surrounds him might refer to these things as “disorders”, but make no mistake, they are major contributors to the “Bunn” sound, look and feel.

These days “The Bunn” operates much more as a label than as a geriatric, punk rock, autistic, vegetarian dude, in skinny jeans from Toronto. Fuse a niche, micro, record label, a media production company and a design firm and you get The Bunn.  

There are currently 3 active projects under "The Bunn” umbrella; Foreigns (angular, instrumental, post-hardcore), Venns (chaotic vocals, & blasting sludge), and WTLNDS (instrumental, metropolitan, sludge metal). 

Currently, The Bunn is busy developing new material for both Foreigns & WTLNDS. Completion and release dates are still pending.


General Messages: 
Messages are awesome.

Brands & Product Demos: 
The Bunn does not take on sponsors or ads, but is totally open to pitches for gear and software demos. Get in touch to explore.

Interviews & Appearances:
If you seek to include The Bunn in a podcast, video or live event, send an email to get the conversation started.